Sunday, February 20, 2011

Architectural review on tooth relic temple

Tooth Relic temple is the most sacred building in sri Lanka. Most people celebrate their past and the future in there. And also it is like the symbol of the power and most of the politicians attend for the extra power gaining to become more powerful in the society. In most cases Buddhist people are going there to make their devotees to the lord Buddha and ask for the help from the gods. Any whatever is the function in the building the tooth relic temple is one of the sacred building in Sri Lanka.

The tooth relic temple is a organic building which built without a plan and ended with adding many buildings together. Therefore in the form of the building and the composition of the building layout lacking the sense of modern planning and composition sensitivity of the society. The shape of the roof and sizes of the from elevated building are not nice in the sense they are like many man y boxes stacked for none reason. For me looking at the from elevation make me mess my mind and uncomfortable. For me the form of the building is like a flash painting which I don’t like. The main entrance is good the narrow path and wide garden shows the freedom which you can chive but the distance between the from entrance and the tooth relic temple entrance is not enough make feeling fin the minds of the devotes whoever enter to thee building. Thick walls in the outer premise of the building is very cool they w]express the solid idea of the protection in the building and the security which the architect is the planner wanted to achieved in the building. But between the first wall the second wall there is a wide water ramp which is complete mess the idea of having a water ramp there to make protection for the building but comparative to the other sri Lankan building the architect lacks the sense of water. Its true that most of the sri Lankan architect celebrate water in their building but in Dalada Maligawa the architect who failed to celebrate the water. Then we have to think it as a defensive barrier to protect the building.
After you enter to the building you see two paths fro two different direction one goes to the tooth relic chamber the other one leads to the outside of the building well I think this is due to the messy architecture which had been used in most of Sri Lankan buildings. But the main entrance to the chamber is great the tunnel entrance fir the chamber and hiding the climax after the oath is great I like it in the sense it gives the feeling of which we have found something in the building. The rhythm of the chamber and the sky views of the courtyard link the connection between the building and out environment. In the early morning the climax is greater due to the light lines which are cut by the wood frames and enter to the courtyard floor.

But as same as everywhere in sri Lankan the chamber entrance is not the main entrance then again you have climb a bigger stair case like it says that the path is not yet finished you have to move forward to clear the path. That’s is great like copper door plated with gold and express the idea of the sacredness, but after you enter the stair case it is so messy there are  paintings murals and stories about the tooth relic. Well the story is good but the messy environment is not good in the sense it  should be a clear path and clear connection between  the chamber entrance and the upstairs where you can worship the tooth relic. And also the material is wood, for me wood is not a good material or that kind of stair case. For the main entrance or the path to the building can be wood but I think the connecting stair case between two floors should be more solid to celebrate the victory of coming to sacred place. And also the view from the stair case is another set of wooden windows they are open to nowhere, and also they don’t express the architectural qualities in sri Lankan architecture they are just only windows.
After you achieve the entrance to the tooth relic chamber building you can see the devotees little bit far away form the entrance, it is good I like if it is much longer. However it is ok without giving  view for the front direction. After few foots you see the real chamber door and if you are lucky enough you can see the tooth relic. However when we are considering the architecture the pace is not enough for make feelings toward the tooth relic and lord Buddha the space doesn’t represent the idea of lord ness toward the lord Buddha. For me It is like the story ends you hardly enter to the building and that’s its go home if you don’t preach the lord Buddha. Well I think it is good if the space can be gentler for the user where people can stay in front of the tooth relic. Then you finish the meal and young can start the dessert the dessert is in the downstairs. Down floor connect the environment to the building. 
After you getting down the first landing is for two devala, those devals and small temple area is good in the sense it has the space for the observation. The landing becoame space for making devotion and it is good in the sense all the two temp[les are beyond the level of the landing level of the building. The cir collar path between the stair case is not good and the view of the landing toward the tooth relic chamber is worse. What I suggest is there should be space or a view for the observer  to have along sight from the down level of the building. By passing the landing you go to same level of the first entrance( first climax ) of the building and if you want to light lamps you can go to the north or else you can go out from south or the ,museum is in the east.

Whatever the architecture says abut the building the builder had made a great a effort toward the construction of the building. All the details re very important and they a problem to the sri Lankan context. All the columns and beams are decorated with sri Lankan stayle.The floor and decks represenst the hardness and hardship of the builder. And also whatever we talk about the building we should worship the tooth relic and highness of the lord Buddha even the architecture failed to create the atmosphere for the devote all the rumors and gossips made the stability of the highness of lord Buddha before you enter the building. Therefore even with out the architecture you can feel the sacredness of the lord Buddha. So in the end what ,my suggestion what If the architecture also can support the deviation of the s=observer then feeling s toward the lord Buddha can be better what it is now thank you.
Chameera Udawatthe

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Don’t put limitations for your self if your are an architecture student, the others are there to make limitations for you. Yes the idea is correct we are there to imagine new things which never experiment in the university premise and change the threshold of the gravity. However most of us are starting with a limitation we always stuck with what we can do what we are capable to do. The idea come to my mind is that most of the student comes with their own limitation and face the limitation after their own limitations. May be they are not ready enough to take the risk of innovation. What the bet with them they are there to make the perfect design ever designed and go with their marks agenda. By all mean it is ok for me because I know in the end what would be the better than what we have chooses as an architecture student.
Most of them are fear for their own failure, I think it is the nature of human kind that we are afraid of the failure we afraid to get question. People always like to in a place where there are not more questions not more troubles. But when you are evolving in a place where there are no more resistance you become more and more settled to your comfortable context. And also you become comfy with what you can do. So whenever you change the context you have to die hard to change yourselves. You have real things to get done you had no experience of struggling in problem you always had the experience of facing small problems so you might fail in the future.
The benefits of failure and the advantages of struggling is come to play a good role only join the academic process. There is people have the kind of protection from the teachers and guides that they can protect us from the failure. And also when we at=start to fail in one problem we start to learn how we should learn from the problem which we faced. That is the most important thing with failure. When we fail to do what wee want to do then we start doing research on the solution we go information and find solutions for our own problems. So the education process and learning big process start. We have-not come to the university to make a perfect designs where the design work perfectly and 100% buildable. May be the ideas can not be buildable if our ideas can be buildable where we are leading our society where we are moving the architecture.
May be somebody come and ask from you why your are doing this insane thing then in most case my answer is I need the challenge the existing challenge is not enough for me my threshold is much more higher. As always the resistance is good I like it like facing the resistance that’s how we are learning thing how we should deal with problems and manage with peoples mind. The most important thing is how we should introduce new ideas to society how we should open the constrains of the society and make new things to the society. So if you really want to learn faster and be the better designer in the world you always welcome the failure and change your mind that the achieving problem less world is not the answer for you future the answer is fighting and struggling with failure make standup with you.
May be the Sri Lanka is not a good location to experiment with brand new ideas but this is the place where the king Ravana made the ufo ships and start fighting to win the whole world. Well I like to invite all the Ravanas those who are hiding g in Sri Lanka to create a brand new world that we can process the future.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What is the definition of architecture?

The architect word defined from the ancient Greek word arkhitekton (arkhi-, chief + tekton, builder) or the chief Brick maker. The idea is somebody who is responsible for the construction of living spaces. So my idea is Are we responsible for the living spaces only???.
Because in my university whenever the design is not brick and masonry the idea is this is not architecture, architecture is brick and solids why don’t you go to the mechanical engineering department. But accidently when we go to the mechanical engineering department they are still playing with the size of the piston for the suitable engine. So my biggest question is why do we need to define what we can what we are really capable of why can we imagine things which are not related to the architecture. Leonardo da Vinci was an artist luckily who didn’t go to a university had experiment with lot more thing. What if the society had defined in his era that the artist’s job is to do only oil painting so then?????
Geoffrey bawa is not an architect but he was introduced to the architecture later, just like that we can incarnate and experiment with new ideas... we a should have the enough freedom to understand the threshold of the subject that The young ideas cant simple if they are simple they are not fresh ideas. Because we can image better things than the old people. They are not ready to realize it they think that old books say the newest things in the world and they up to the date to challenge to the youths. But sometimes we are making solution from our own dreams. How can they dreams without have new exposure.
That’s why I made this question what they don’t understand is not architecture…. May be easy to answer and easy to argue with somebody this is not architecture this is technology. But if you ask from the ancient Hindu valley civilization working guy what architecture…is.??? Oh… the architecture is Brick making the architect is the chief of Brick maker….. That can be better answer for me because at that time the architect’s job is only to create brick and solid things for the construction. Ok may be the civilization hasn’t developed us are just talking about big Ideas that we have a concept wow that’s a folly for me………. Somebody saying to me Hah hah haaa I have concept
Well I think according to them the architect’s job is to create story and tell stories to people and make fancy world in front of them. By all mean I agree because we should give what the society demand from us may be demand is a story teller not evens a brick builder. That’s ok sooner or later when the society demand a creator from us then we should tell them we can not supply what you want because the machine produce only story tellers at the moment..

The expectations

The expectations
The expectation ion the human mind lead the us to troubles expectation major weakness with us. People are tending to expect lots of things from the other people and never think what we hacek really with us. How come Buddhism the ideas from the Buddhism also same as sthe the expectation idea. If we don’t expect anything we don’t have any troubles.
But I’m talking about something different. How do survive in the society without having difficulties. What is the nice word for the selfishness…. The independency may be the word is joke. but I like to be independence and that I’m ready to bear any trouble which can come forward to me and I guarantee that I have the enough strength to bear it. Yes they independency is very important if you are not independent then you are trouble make for the others. But uphill we are free from the parents we are bond to them we should respect their obligations. But when it comes to the society how you should deal with society this and that…..
I think the independency is very important fact that you have the strength to survive with what you have and you can do with it. However people don’t understand what is the goodness of this independency people think that being selfish(independent) is worse and we should stuck with community as a net and do whatever with the other people to gain the communal enlighten. But I think achieving communal goal might be impossible if you are so attach with other people. Most of the innovator those who change the world were hiding in the society and struggle to find a place in society y and came out with insane solutions which the society never thought about.
Like that if you don’t expect more from the others you get your own freedom to whatever you want to do in the future. And also the lazy man thinks that the society should feed him because the society made him hungry. The idea is completely wrong that’s why our society don’t go forward we think standing in one position and we expect the other people to come around and dance with us . We never think that we are not the best in the world and we are worse than another country in the world.
The India developing faster because they don’t expect anything from the others and they are digging for their own wealth from the Indian soil which they can hit more wisely. But we are thing that the development should come from the ocean not from the land therefore we are open the mouth ad [possible as we can and waiting in the shore for the development of the society.
So my advice is don’t expect others to take care of you think how strong you are and get on your own agenda as free as possible..


Love is something which has no reason in the world. But the marriage has a clear purpose in the society  Reproduction  or Sex. But the definitions for the marriage are altering from one society to another, and also it depends on the situation of the location. However the Indian society has much more moral slandered in the past. They call the marriage as god divined something which they can not challenge whatever is the reason. And also in the old Indian society the divorce is rare thing.  And also in Sri Lankan history divorce was a rare scene there are divorce situation but the end result was a suicide from the female part.
What matter the most is what is the social definition of the divorce in the society. In fact they says that the divorced women is not good for house she is not auspicious. The divorced woman bring nothing but troubles for the family therefore the sri Lankan society did everything to stop the divorce and the rules for the divorce was much more tougher. And also the divorced woman is like a symbol of unfertile plant. Therefore the divorced women are not common scene in the Sri Lankan society.  But unlike in any south Asian society Sri Lanka had the standard of the forgiveness toward the weakest. Therefore in most cases parents were tending to make chances for divorced female to marry another one. But the male had many more chances and in most stories the divorced male is more attractive than the unmarried males. 
But now after the industrial developments and the competitive society introduced to Sri Lanka the possibilities of the divorced. And also sometimes it becomes a passion for the well educated families. Whatever their obligation according to the international standards the ratio of divorcement indicate the lack of moral, sense in the society.
May be the reason for the divorcement can be complicated issues which acre relater with human emotions may b are just be cause of the economics. Whatever is the reason the divorce is not the solution for the existing problems. The connection between the person you married is much more important than another thing especially in case of your parents are not alive. Therefore my obligation is before the divorce we should understand the gravity of the divorce and the moral context of the divorce.
An also the most important fact that how we should discontinue the divorcements in the society. People can have many different attitudes toward this and that but we should have one attitude toward what we should do and what is the obligation of the society. Ok we don’t like the divorce ok we like it its ok this and that….. I think we are lacking that discipline sense in the society. Its shame to this island like killing animal can be worse to one man and it may be another joke another man. Therefore the people are struggling it find what is the good and the bad what they should do really.